Shooting Straight Radio
Welcome to Shooting Straight Radio podcast!! This program (formerly known as "Shooting Straight Radio Show" on WMMB and iHeartRADIO) is all about firearms, the 2nd Amendment, and all things pertaining thereto. It is hosted by Royce, a veritable super-spreader of Constitutional propriety as well as a firearms instructor with multiple certifications, including endorsement by the National Association of Chiefs of Police as a defensive pistol instructor. It has been said that he is saturated with gunshot residue, toxic masculinity, and a faint, yet wildly tantalizing whiff of the cologne of his people (Hoppe's #9) as he delivers his unexpurgated commentary on all things firearm and 2nd Amendment-related with 100% felt recoil and no suppressor. As an Ultra-Type-A personality, he is exceedingly generous (and sometimes comically brutal) with his opinions and doesn't mince words. A staunch Constitutionalist, he calls out infringements when and where he sees them. Royce is often joined on the program by special guests like Dale Comstock (DELTA Force), John Rea (SEAL Team 6), Max Mullen (Army Ranger), Quentin Carter (a.k.a. "Q"), Gary O'Neal (American Warrior), Boon Benton (USMC, Benghazi warrior), Sarah "Superbad" Adams (CIA targeter), Col. Danny McKnight (Black Hawk Down), Izzy Matos (USMC combat vet), Ash Hess (U.S. Army combat veteran and instructor extraordinaire), Massad Ayoob, Hank Hayes (Professor Emeritus of Badassology), Spike Cohen (spikecohen.com), ATF whistleblower Peter Forcelli, Erich Pratt and Luis Valdes of GOA, and many more. So tune in to Shooting Straight (a.k.a. 2nd Amendment University) and share it around with your fellow Constitutionalists. Keep your head on a swivel, keep a loaded gun on your person (and spare mags), and never forget that incoming rounds always have the right-of-way.
Winning In Wyoming!!

"Every Other Terrible Implement of the Soldier"

Royce and Norm Talk Training

Kash is King of the ATF, New Colorado Bill Passes State Senate

Brutal Bruen-Slaps Against Waiting Periods, FOIDs and Machineguns!!

5th Circuit: "Suppressors Are Not Weapons"

The ATF Is Using A.I. Facial Recognition Against Gun Owners

Trump's 2nd Amendment E.O. and Democrat Threats of Violence

Florida, New Jersey and New Mexico,...And Other Stuff

The Dishonorable ATF's Framing of an Honorable Navy Veteran

Legislative Redundancy Doesn't Breed Compliance!!

So Long, Stevie-D

Fight Government Lawlessness, Enforce The Constitution!!

The Predicted Expansion of Red Flag Laws

Gun Control is a Farce

The ATF Takes a Beatin' on Bump Stocks

ATF Minority Report, They're In Bed With Google Now

No Matter How Badly You Hate the ATF, It's Not Enough

Nix the NICS!!


Enforcement For Thee, But Not For Me

Abolish the ATF Bill/Hunter Enjoys Privileged Pardon

Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum

The Internment Camps Exist,...So Does The 2nd Amendment

Federal Judge Slaps Down Illinois "Assault Weapons" Ban,...and more!